One woman’s revealing story of her emotional rollercoaster ride and struggle deciding whether to have or not to have another child. It provides insights or perhaps affirmation for the decision you may already have made.… Read More

There is no right or wrong family size, but there is strong evidence demonstrating a firstborn and only child edge. In families, the finite resources parents have means that any given sibling will be given less time and attention than if they were an only child. In essence, siblings compete for whatever their parents can provide. … Read More

If your toddler refuses to share a toy or take turns, even if the person doesn’t say the words, you know she is thinking: If that child had a sibling she wouldn’t behave this way. But is it true? Do children need siblings to learn social skills?… Read More

Lisa’s four-year-old daughter Hannah mentioned her new friend Betsy. Lisa assumed Betsy was one of Hannah’s pre-school classmates until Hannah asked if Betsy could have dinner with them. “But she’s not here,” her mother said. “Yes, she is,” Hannah insisted. “She lives here.” … Read More