No matter how old you or your parents are, a parent’s controlling or critical behavior doesn’t seem to change. Parents have a special knack for pushing your buttons or inserting themselves into your adult life. Some parents are overly controlling, constantly critical or intrusive in obvious ways; others are less apparent, subtle. The annoying behavior… Read More

8 Ways to be the Adult in the Room with Your Parents

It is not unusual for adult children—be they 25, 35, 55, or older—to suddenly act like their 10-year-old selves with their parents. It can feel as if you have no control over the situation, but you do have choices in an effort to stop bending to parents’ wishes and demands.… Read More

You probably hadn’t planned on living with your parents again, or having your parents or another relative settle in with you and your family. Living with a relative solves many financial problems, but, like expectations, you must straighten out the details in the beginning and adjust them along the way so everyone feels the arrangement is fair.… Read More

No Crossing Sign, guarding your boundaries

Boundaries separating you from family occur automatically when you’re independent, formed either by the physical distance or the amount of contact you orchestrate. When you live together again with family, boundaries can blur rapidly. One of the first orders of business is to install ground rules that reshuffle the boundaries to ensure everyone’s freedom and comfort.… Read More