For many families, smartphones, tablets and other devices are a normal part of day-to-day life. But, when adults are clearly enamored with their devices, kids notice. Children aren’t oblivious to parents who constantly check their email, text, or read on their Kindle more than they’re interacting with the family. They end up feeling neglected and as if they fight for their parents’ time and attention.
A recent study in Pediatrics found that caregivers who were highly absorbed in their electronic devices at mealtimes not only caused children to act out to get the adult’s attention, but also “responded harshly” to child misbehavior.
Face-to-face interaction is crucial for the development of a young child’s language skills and emotional intelligence. Although it is impossible to do away with technology all together, small cutbacks can help. They significantly turn attention to your children and benefit parents and children alike. The family will have time for board games, walks and other activities. It equals time that build close bonds and warm memories.
6 Digital Detox Steps Every Family Should Take:
- Make it a rule to step away from your device at predetermined hours. Dedicate time to spend time with your children—during dinner and until your child’s bedtime, for example. If need be, inform coworkers when you will be “unplugged.”
- Leave your cell phone in car at a child’s sporting events and performances. If you can’t bear to be without a camera to document your child’s activities, switch your smartphone to “Airplane mode” to resist the urge to text or quickly check email. Children will know if you’re paying attention to their efforts. They note if you’re glued to your Twitter feed.
- Wait to check your email or text messages until after your child goes to bed. They will still be there after you’ve read your child a story and tucked him in.
- Don’t sleep with your smart phone under your pillow or near your bed.
- Similarly, don’t eat a meal with devices at the table. If you have older children, make digital detox a family affair. Make gathering everyone’s device a nightly pre-dinner ritual. Ask your children to vote on a “hiding place” for their—and your—digital tech equipment. Also insist on making this a rule when going out to a restaurant. When dining out, the focus should be on face-to-face interaction, not on Instagramming a meal or texting friends.
- Be brave—put your digital devices away for an entire day on the weekends. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish and how much fun the entire family will have.